If you wanted to buy a new pet or needed some food or an accessory for one you owned this shop was a popular destination in Watford for many years.

Located in Market Street and established in 1963 according to the sign above the entrance, Polypets advertised that reptiles, livestock, budgies, foreign birds, tropical fish and canaries were among the products it sold.

A Watford Observer photographer visited the shop in June 1988 to take these pictures when the promotions available included getting up to £19 when customers traded in an old cage, while another sign in the front window promoted that pet carriers were available from £8.99.

A rabbit is lifted out of its cageA rabbit is lifted out of its cage (Image: Watford Observer)

The pictures taken inside the shop captured the shelves packed with dozens of different types of pet products and one rabbit got its moment in the spotlight when it was lifted out of its cage and photographed with a member of staff.

Polypets in Market StreetPolypets in Market Street (Image: Watford Observer)

Weighing out some pet food for a customerWeighing out some pet food for a customer (Image: Watford Observer)

The packed shelves selling a wide range of pet-related productsThe packed shelves selling a wide range of pet-related products (Image: Watford Observer)

Climbing up next to the fish tanksClimbing up next to the fish tanks (Image: Watford Observer)

Checking on the fishChecking on the fish (Image: Watford Observer)