In March, Rachel Reeves, who is now the Chancellor of the Exchequer, labelled the ‘stop-go’ cycle of capital investment the new British disease, causing instability and pushing up costs.

Before the general election her Labour colleague, who is now the Minister for Health, Wes Streeting, said that his party were “committed to delivering the New Hospitals Programme, including Watford General Hospital".

As voters went to the polls in the general election, it was not unreasonable to assume that if Labour won, Watford General would be rebuilt. But within weeks of taking office, they have announced that the project is paused while they conduct yet another review of this long overdue investment.

Watford’s Liberal Democrat-run council has done everything it can to back a new hospital in the town – helping to improve access to the site, providing the space needed for new buildings and granting outline planning permission. Much of this has been in the face of opposition from local Labour councillors.

It is vital that the Government gets on and delivers the funding needed for these much-needed new facilities. Anyone who visits Watford General can see how necessary this is. After years of preparation, work could start almost immediately, if the new government provides the funding needed.

If you agree with me that we need a new hospital, and not another review, sign the petition at

The longer this project is delayed, the longer all of us will endure inadequate health facilities and the more the costs of this project will rise.

  • Peter Taylor is the elected mayor of Watford