After a “phenomenal set of results”, a school has praised “a really lovely group of students”.

At The Royal Masonic School for Girls, in Rickmansworth Park, 20 per cent of A-Level grades were A* this year, 52 per cent were A* to A, and 85 per cent were A* to B – which is a new record for the independent school.

The most popular universities for its students to be travelling to in September were UCL and Durham, with more than 80 per cent heading to their first-choice destination including destinations in the USA and Netherlands.

(Image: RMS)

Headteacher Kevin Carson said: “I’m extremely pleased for, and incredibly proud of, the achievements of every one of our students this year.

"To have attained 85 per cent A* to B is an exceptional achievement and credit is due to every student, their families, and to every teacher and member of support teams at RMS.

(Image: RMS)

“I wish the class of 2024 great things for their futures, and I look forward to hearing of their successes in the coming years.”

“What a phenomenal set of results,” added head of sixth form Clare Freeman.

“This year group have achieved so much over the course of the last two years; not only have they achieved highly in their exams, but they have also thrown themselves into all the opportunities that sixth form has offered them.

“These students leave RMS with exceptional academic results as well as a wide variety of skills which will set them apart in years to come - and they are also just a really lovely group of students with great energy, who I have thoroughly enjoyed watching grow over the last two years.”

(Image: RMS) (Image: RMS) (Image: RMS)