This piece of land in the heart of Watford is set to be developed but for many years it was the location for different types of market.

The Watford Observer is delighted to share pictures from the archive at Watford Museum and this week we recall Stones Alley Market.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “This view from Wellstones car park, looking towards Exchange Road and Holy Rood church, is likely to be lost to development fairly soon.

How the view looked in 2020How the view looked in 2020 (Image: Google Street View)

“The site had been the location of a livestock market, held every Tuesday ‘behind the post office’ off Stones Alley, having been moved here from the Market Place.

“In December 1959 the sales ceased, but this photo from July 1977 shows it was still used as a market space although I'm not certain how frequently.”

Visit the Museum Facebook page or website to see more historic photos.