The cause of a 'large void’ that has blocked a town centre road for several days has been revealed.

Hertfordshire County Council is removing the road closure in Lord Street this morning (August 12) after its highways teams filled in a two-metre-by-two-metre hole that appeared last Wednesday (August 7).

Staff have remained on site to manage the flow of vehicles around the closure, at the junction with Loates Way, by the ring road, since it was first reported - due to the one-way streets in the area.

The 'large void' in Lord Street. (Image: Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst)

Today, a spokesperson said that the repairs were completed over the weekend and confirmed that the closure and temporary traffic measures are now being removed.

“The void was caused by a leaking surface water connection soaking the ground,” they added.

The 'large void' in Lord Street. (Image: Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst)

“Our highways team have removed the wet material and repaired the connection, before filling the hole and resurfacing the affected area.”

The 1.6-mile diversion route sent motorists back around the ring road onto Clarendon Road, St Johns Road, and then Queens Road.

The 'large void' in Lord Street. (Image: Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst)