Councillors are pushing for a “large void” that opened up in a town centre road to be repaired “as a matter of urgency”.

Lord Street is currently blocked due to a hole in the carriageway that was apparently measured as being around a metre-and-a-half deep.

It opened up at the junction with Loates Lane late yesterday (August 7) and is preventing access to Queens Road shops from the ring road.

(Image: Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst)

According to Central Watford and Oxhey county councillor Stephen Giles Medhurst, Hertfordshire Highways do not yet know the full extent of the void or what caused it.

“Given this is a key access into the area I have asked that Hertfordshire County Council act with some urgency to get it it sorted,” the Liberal Democrat councillor added.

(Image: Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst)

The road closure is currently listed on traffic website One Network from 7am this morning until August 22, although at this early stage it is likely to be a placeholder until it can be excavated and the full extent revealed.

The 1.6 mile diversion route in place takes motorists back around the ring road onto Clarendon Road, St Johns Road, and then Queens Road.

Update: A spokesperson for Hertfordshire County Council said: “We have identified a void around 2.5m in diameter under the road in Lord Street, meaning the road has had to be closed.

"Because of the one-way streets in the area we have staff on site to help manage the impact on traffic.

"We are investigating the cause of the void and what works are necessary to fix it.”

(Image: Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst)