This picture dates back more than a century and captures a view that it has not been possible to enjoy for many years.

The Watford Observer has again teamed up with its friends at Watford Museum to look back at structures, objects or businesses from the town’s past that have either disappeared or been relocated and this week we look back at this photo of Queens Place.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “Queen's Place, a very short road off Queen's Road, was originally part of Loates Lane.

“For many years, Loates Lane crossed a rail line as Radlett Road had not been constructed.

Queen's Place from beyond the brick wall by Ottoman Terrace in 2014Queen's Place from beyond the brick wall by Ottoman Terrace in 2014 (Image: Google Street View)

“When these houses were built, the crossing was still in use as can be seen by the gates.

“This viewpoint has not existed for many years because the level crossing was closed off and a brick wall erected either side of the line.

“The photo was likely taken by the owner of the closest house as the photo is captioned ‘10 Queen's Place, 1892’.”

Visit the Museum Facebook page or website to see more historic photos.