Parking control measures could be brought in to tackle “complex” safety problems around school gates.

Residents have until the end of August to respond to an informal consultation from Three Rivers District Council over parking in High Elms Lane, at the entrances to St Michael’s High School and Parmiter’s School.

Changes are aimed at tackling “inappropriate” and “unsafe” parking which has blocked larger vehicles and disrupted traffic. They should also make it easier for visitors to West Herts Crematorium, between the two school entrances, to find somewhere to park and generally improve safety.

Proposed parking restrictions at the entrance to St Michael's High School. (Image: Three Rivers District Council/ADL)

The council said: “We need to introduce a new parking control scheme on this busy road, where competing demands for parking and access to the large schools and other facilities are creating complex parking and loading problems.”

Officers have apparently been visiting the road over the past 18 months to “observe the perceived issues and explore possible solutions” and have drawn up a proposal they think would help tackle chaotic pick-up and drop-off times.

These include new double yellow lines along both sides of High Elms Lane, extending existing 'school keep clear' markings to the A405 junction, and limited waiting restrictions (8am to 4pm Monday to Friday, for two hours with no return within two hours) opposite the St Michael’s drop-off exit/entrance.

Proposed parking restrictions at the entrance to Parmiter's School.Proposed parking restrictions at the entrance to Parmiter's School. (Image: Three Rivers District Council/ADL)

Three Rivers Council added: “Once the consultation closes, we will analyse the responses received and report the findings to local ward councillors where a decision will be taken on whether to progress the scheme to the final, statutory stage of consultation or if the scheme should be changed in any way.”

Diagrams showing the exact changes and where they would be made in the road can be viewed on the council website.

Comments can be sent via email to or in writing to Transport and Parking Projects, Three Rivers District Council, Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth WD3 1RL, before the August 31 2024.

Residents are asked to include their name and postal address in any responses.