Residents in Watford and Three Rivers are being urged to become "cancer champions" to bridge health inequalities.

The new programme is a collaboration between One Vision, a community organisation, and Macmillan Cancer Support, a prominent charity supporting those affected by the disease.

Representation of Watford's diverse community was highlighted as a reason for getting involved, with the goal of creating an inclusive initiative.

The programme is a response to identified health disparities in the area.

Some communities reportedly experience lower rates of cancer screening and higher barriers to healthcare access.

By implementing the Cancer Champions Programme in these areas, the project aims to promote early diagnosis and comprehensive care for all residents.

Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor said: "I’m so pleased this project is happening.

"Sadly cancer is something that impacts every family. Charities like MacMillan Cancer Support do so much to help people with cancer and their families.

"It is great that they are working with One Vision to make sure everyone in our community is supported through a difficult period in their life."

The founder of One Vision, Enoch Kanagaraj, added: "The Cancer Champions Programme is our commitment to ensuring that no one battles cancer alone.

"By mobilising volunteers and leveraging the strength of our faith communities, we can bridge the gap in health inequalities."

Residents interested in becoming cancer champions are asked to contact One Vision for further discussions with more information available at