More than 100 offences have earned a Watford fare dodger a £1,370.90 bill in court.

Lewis Barrett, of Fleetwood Way, appeared in Lavender Hill Magistrates’ Court on July 25 and pleaded guilty to entering a compulsory ticket area without a valid ticket at Great Portland Street station on March 7.

When deciding his sentence, another 105 offences he had admitted to were taken into consideration.

These included 99 of entering a compulsory ticket area on the TfL tube and rail network without a valid ticket and six relating to journeys on the TfL bus network without a valid ticket.

The 44-year-old was fined just £83 but ordered to pay £579.90 in compensation, a £33 victim services surcharge, and £675 in costs.

He agreed to pay £150 per month, starting yesterday (August 1).

Also in court

It comes after another Watford resident, Kanvi Upadhyay, of Prestwick Road, admitted travelling on TfL services without a valid ticket 77 times at the same court on June 24.

The 21-year-old was ordered to pay £875.70.