Multiple caravans are still at a Watford park after the unauthorised encampment flouted the council’s deadline to leave.

Watford deputy mayor Aga Dychton confirmed that by 2pm today (July 30) half of the travellers have been removed from Garston Park following yesterday’s eviction notice by bailiffs. 

Update: Cllr Dychton has confirmed all the caravans have now left the park.

Garston Park on Friday morning.Garston Park on Friday morning. (Image: Contribution) Seven caravans and associated vehicles have left but seven others are currently still there.

"We anticipate that these remaining caravans will move offsite later today," Cllr Dychton said.

Bailiffs and police will stay at the park today to continue the eviction process, according to the deputy mayor, and Veolia will carry out a clean-up of the site once it has been vacated.

Garston Park on Friday morning. Garston Park on Friday morning. (Image: Contribution) She added: “We do not tolerate unauthorised encampments in our town. Garston Park is an award-winning green space, and the council is working hard to ensure that the park remains an area for all to enjoy.” 

Garston Park on Friday morning.Garston Park on Friday morning. (Image: Contribution) The council first confirmed last Thursday (July 25) that officers were aware of the camp of “up to 30” vehicles and that they were liaising with the police over it.

A ‘notice to vacate land’ was served on Friday, which required the occupants to leave by 8am on Monday, but bailiffs were called in after the encampment flouted the deadline.