Anger at new parking restrictions have prompted a council to defend its policy - revealing softer methods were met with "verbal abuse".

Bovingdon Parish Council will install signs in coming weeks at Memorial Hall, High Street, after which it will enforce restrictions that limit parking there to those who book or use the hall.

Residents and visitors who struggle to park in the village, as well as nearby businesses worried about losing customers, fear the move will make it even harder to find a spot.

In a statement shared yesterday (July 30), the parish council said it noted the negative feedback and sought to clarify the rationale behind its decision.

“The parish council has over recent months placed notes on windscreens and spoken directly to the drivers of vehicles that have persistently been parking on the forecourt for extended periods of time,” a spokesperson said.

“Regretfully, the general response has been to ignore notices and verbal requests; unfortunately, in some instances an amount of verbal abuse has been directed at legitimate users and parish council staff.

“The display of parking restriction notices gives the parish council the ability to enforce a penalty on the owners of the vehicles that persistently park on the forecourt for extended periods of time.”

It added that “over a considerable period” more vehicles have parked outside the hall for long periods which has stopped legitimate users from parking, including "many" elderly visitors and mothers with young children.

The spokesperson added: “The Memorial Hall is a separate registered charity, and its survival is dependent on the ability to generate sufficient income to cover running costs.

W Jarman and Sons/Zeera Indian and Bangladeshi Restaurant say visitors already struggle to find somewhere to park.W Jarman and Sons/Zeera Indian and Bangladeshi Restaurant say visitors already struggle to find somewhere to park. (Image: Google Street View)

“It is therefore vital that the parking area is always available to all legitimate hall users.”

Several High Street businesses told the Watford Observer that they worried customers may avoid Bovingdon if parking became more restricted.

The parish council has agreed that disabled badge holders will still be able to park for up to three hours, as long as they are displaying a valid blue badge.