Watford’s mayor has written to the government over “essential” £16m Colosseum funding that has still not been received.

The town was delighted when £16,021,788 was secured to bring the iconic venue back into use and deliver upgrades for the wider town hall area.

Watford mayor Peter Taylor says a memorandum of understanding was signed off in May, just after the general election was called, at which point it anticipated the money would be transferred across.

“However, the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities [now Housing, Communities, and Local Government] notified the council that they were waiting on direction about whether they can proceed,” the mayor said in a letter to parliamentary under secretary of state at the ministry, Baroness Taylor of Stevenage.

“There seems to be general uncertainty in the department, and as a result Watford Borough Council, as to whether this funding will be forthcoming.

“I recognise that a new government will want to make changes to the funding arrangements for councils, and I welcome this. However, projects have now started on the basis of awards made by the previous government, and we have followed all the processes set out for us.”

Mr Taylor explained that he welcomed the government moving away from “a system of endless funding bids from pots of money” to more stable settlements but called on it to honour agreements that had already been made.

The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government has confirmed it has received the letter and will be responding.

How Watford Colosseum is planned to look.How Watford Colosseum is planned to look. (Image: Watford Borough Council)

It is understood that the government plans to set out a full response clarifying its stance on Levelling Up funding in due course, but it did not provide a statement in response to the mayor’s letter for inclusion in this article.

Watford Borough Council has been actively working on plans to reopen the 85-year-old site as an entertainment venue, decorated with a 1930s art deco theme.

It took over operation of the venue in December 2020 and announced that it would close for the “major refurbishment”.

Then last year AEG was confirmed as the council’s selection to operate the new-look Colosseum.

Watford mayor Peter Taylor and then-MP Dean Russell were thrilled when the funding was announced last year.Watford mayor Peter Taylor and then-MP Dean Russell were thrilled when the funding was announced last year.