Now that my Parliamentary office is empty, my pass deactivated, and team redundancy meetings underway, it’s time to write my final column (for now) with some distance from the election result.

Despite the outcome, I remain grateful for everyone’s support during my four-and-a-half years as your MP. I never took the role lightly and was honoured to have represented our town and country to make a positive difference in Watford and beyond.

Those achievements included securing my Tips Bill, helping over two million hospitality workers keep 100 per cent of their tips; securing homelessness funding, achieving a period of zero rough sleepers in Watford; training a thousand people in Watford in mental health first aid awareness; opening the new Watford Police Station; securing the £16 million Levelling Up Fund for the Town Hall and Colosseum; and helping pass Zach’s Law against epilepsy trolling. Most notably, securing full funding for the new Watford General Hospital.

Now unshackled by the rules of being an MP, I can share that the funding envelope approached £1.2 billion. A huge investment in Watford that I worked relentlessly to secure. This was real funding, not just electioneering, and I urge residents to ensure this is not delayed or reduced.

I wish the new MP for Watford well and hope he succeeds for the town's benefit. I am grateful to all community groups, interfaith leaders, public sectors, schools, veterans, local champions, businesses, and residents for their support, especially those who helped me deliver my pledges.

Thank you to the Watford Conservative Association officers, volunteers, my incredible Parliamentary team, and all Watford residents who voted for me.

Lastly, thanks to my family for their sacrifices.

Thank you, Watford, for the opportunity of a lifetime.

  • Dean Russell is the former Conservative MP for Watford