Watford Workshop, a leading provider of employment and training for individuals with disabilities, has been awarded a £20k grant from the council.

The funding will allow the organisation to create a new mezzanine level, increasing the workshop's floor space by a third.

The grant will be instrumental in the creation of a new mezzanine-level(Image: Watford Borough Council)

Linda McIntyre, CEO at Watford Workshop, said: "We believe that every individual, regardless of their abilities, deserves the opportunity to shine.

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

"With the support of the Neighbourhood Grant from the council, we're not just expanding our facilities; we're expanding opportunities and transforming lives."

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

For nearly 60 years, the Workshop has been instrumental in supporting and empowering people with disabilities and learning difficulties.

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

This expansion has been made possible by the Neighbourhood Grant from Watford Borough Council, which oversees the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from developers of new housing.

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

The Workshop will now be able to accommodate training for an additional 20 disabled individuals per year.

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

The enlarged space is crucial as it ensures that people won't miss out on life and work opportunities offered by the Workshop.

Watford's mayor, Peter Taylor, said: "We are proud to support Watford Workshop in their efforts to empower individuals with disabilities.

"This grant will enhance the workshop's capacity, and make a meaningful difference to the lives of the people who are supported by the workshop.

"They have been an integral part of our town for decades.

"I’m pleased to see that this grant will provide even more employment and training opportunities."

The next round of funding for the Neighbourhood Grant is now open.

More information, including details on this year's projects, is available at watford.gov.uk/community.