Victims of a burglary in Abbots Langley returned home to find a drug addict rooting through their property.

Jay Wilson, of Spur Close in Watford, appeared for sentencing on Monday (July 15) at St Albans Crown Court over a break-in on Sunday, May 5.

The female victim, her fiancé and other family members returned to High Acres from a day at the beach shortly before 11pm and saw the lights were on, the court heard.

The court heard Wilson had 136 previous offences.The court heard Wilson had 136 previous offences. (Image: Hertfordshire Police) Prosecutor Rahul Kumar said two men ran out and one escaped, but Wilson, 45, was caught and held until police arrived.

Mr Kumar said Wilson was angry with the people holding him. He told the police he was addicted to crack and heroin, but did not want treatment as he liked taking drugs.

In a victim statement the woman said: “This has shocked me to the core.”

Two years earlier on April 3, Wilson was spotted taking part in a drug deal in Watford at 12.30am. He was searched and the police found a wrap of cocaine, some cannabis and a four-inch blade with no handle.

He appeared for sentencing having admitted burglary and theft, having a bladed article, and possessing Class A and Class B drugs. He had 136 previous offences.

Defending, Nicki Roberson said Wilson had been “through the prison revolving door”.

“He is a drug addict with years and years of acquisitive offending. Probation are no long willing to work with him,” she added.

She said he had only one other domestic burglary on his record and had been on remand in Bedford prison for two and a half months.

Recorder Maria Karaiskos KC jailed him for 20 months, saying: “You have been before the court many, many times before.”

The judge went on: “You indicated you love using crack cocaine and you don’t intend to stop using it.