The way many of us consume the news may have changed but this popular retailer continues to sell newspapers and magazines to customers after moving from the premises where this picture was taken.

The Watford Observer has again teamed up with its friends at Watford Museum to look back at structures, objects or businesses from the town’s past that have either disappeared or been relocated and this week we remember the high street branch of W H Smith.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “Does anyone remember queueing at the cash desks in W H Smith's shop when it was on the high street near to Clarendon Road?

“This photo, taken by Bob Nunn in November 1989, shows the busy newspaper and magazine department which was at the front of the shop on the ground floor.

“It always seemed hectic with lots of people either paying, browsing the massive range of magazines or weaving through the crowds to or from the high street exit.

“Today, W H Smith’s shop is in Atria.”

Visit the Museum Facebook page or website to see more historic photos.