Meriden residents have claimed that dust from a nearby industrial site is covering their cars and homes as they worried about health issues.

Amie Mulkerrin, 41, posted in a local Facebook group asking for support as she said particles and noise coming from the PB Donoghue waste management site in the Colne Way Industrial Estate were “getting ridiculous”.

The mum of two lives one street over from the site and shared a photo of her garden table covered in powder from overnight.

Meriden resident Ami Mulkerrin shared a photo of her garden table covered in dust.Meriden resident Ami Mulkerrin shared a photo of her garden table covered in dust. (Image: Amie Mulkerrin)

Amie, 41, said: “The dust has been an issue for months now but it's obviously more noticeable now the nicer weather is here and we are spending more time outside. 

“The cars are constantly covered as well as the house windows. I'm lucky to have a window cleaner that visits monthly but some people aren't in a position to be able to pay for this.”

She is also worried about potential effects on those with breathing conditions and pupils at The Grove Academy in Fourth Avenue.

Other residents echoed her concerns online, adding: “The amount of dust I get is awful, having to keep windows shut to stop the dust from getting in!”

Another commented: “The dust is horrendous, it’s impossible to keep on top of it, it’s even affecting my dog. She's now got itchy skin and running eyes.”

Last year, Hertfordshire County Council approved the waste management firm's plans to expand its site despite 27 complaints from neighbours.

The changes will increase its waste processing capacity from 75,000 tpa (tonnes per annum) to 200,000 tpa - around the weight of 20 Eiffel towers.

Meriden Tudor county councillor Steve Cavinder said he had first raised the dust issue with PB Donoghue in mid-June after a resident mentioned their concerns.

Then he was told that the site had dust suppression technology to prevent its escape, but yesterday he got in touch with the firm again after Amie's post.

Councillors Tim Williams and Steve Cavinder outside the site in 2023.Councillors Tim Williams and Steve Cavinder outside the site in 2023. (Image: Hertfordshire Liberal Democrats) Cllr Cavinder added: “They are aware of the problem and are working as hard as they can to repair it. I am sure they will do whatever they can to make sure these issues are resolved.”

PB Donoghue managing director Peter Donoghue said: “I am fully aware of a few residents’ issues and myself and my yard team have been working through our procedures to update and be compliant. I’m sure over the next few weeks a difference will be seen.”

He explained that they are waiting for parts for their large dust suppression machine which are currently “stuck in customs”.