Blue bins in Watford will soon be collected fortnightly after the council cut weekly pick-ups.

Last night (July 8) the borough council’s cabinet ended weekly dry recycling collections for low rise properties, meaning houses and individual flats in blocks up to five.

The cost-cutting measure will come into effect from October. All other waste collections will remain the same.

A report that had been attached to the meeting agenda suggested the move could deliver an annual saving of around £110,000 as well as carbon savings.

Watford mayor Peter Taylor said: “Over the last 10 years, government funding for the council has been cut by 50 per cent.

“There is now a £6.2 billion funding gap across local government. To protect the services you value most, we are working hard to make sure every penny counts.”

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

The mayor added that fortnightly recycling is “tried and tested” with seven of the top 10 councils for recycling performance collected once every two weeks. Across England, 78 per cent of councils who collect all recycling in one bin do so fortnightly.

“Watford residents are fantastic at recycling and I am proud that we are in the top 20 per cent in the country for our recycling rates," he added.

“The proposals include giving residents the option to have a bigger or an extra recycling bin to ensure we can continue to build on this success.”

Under the new bin policy, households with four or more permanent residents will be entitled to request an additional 240-litre recycling bin.

(Image: Watford Borough Council) Those with a 140-litre recycling bin can swap it for a 240-litre recycling bin.

Residents will also be able to put additional side recycling out, if clearly marked or in a clear sack, next to their recycling bin on collection day and extenuating circumstances will be considered at the council’s discretion.

Larger blocks of flats with six or more properties and those with access to communal recycling facilities are excluded and will continue to receive a weekly collection.

The cabinet’s decision is now subject to a call-in period, which provides other councillors a chance to request the decision be reviewed by a different committee.