With the general election just days away, the candidates for South West Hertfordshire have weighed in on why they think you should vote for them.

The constituency covers all of the Three Rivers district, meaning Rickmansworth, South Oxhey, Maple Cross as well as Kings Langley in Dacorum.

Residents will have the chance to pick one of the nine candidates when polling stations open on July 4, but what do they each promise for the area?

Read their full answers below:

Gagan Mohindra – The Conservative Party

“Gagan Mohindra has been working hard for South West Hertfordshire since 2019. He knows what really matters to local people, and the importance of protecting the communities that make South West Hertfordshire great. That is why he is committed to delivering his plan for South West Hertfordshire if he is re-elected, ensuring improvements to the NHS, tougher action on crime, protection for our nature, greater SEND support and further education opportunities, and accessible and reliable infrastructure. He will also continue to support the community organisations and small businesses that provide so much value to the local area.  

“As the MP for South West Hertfordshire since 2019, Gagan has championed key causes, delivering on all of his manifesto promises. He has supported the new Watford General Hospital project from its inception, helping to secure £400 million of funding. He has helped to secure capital investment in eight schools, supporting the bright futures of our young people.

"He has spoken up for the green belt at public meetings and has emphasised a brownfield first approach to development, pressured Thames Water to expand their capacity and protect our rivers, supported local businesses with £99.7 million in Bounce Back Loans, and supported the rollout of Superfast Broadband, to 97.3 per cent of South West Hertfordshire residents.  

“He has been out every day in the election campaign speaking to local people and local organisations about their priorities, and the message is clear, a vote for Gagan Mohindra is a vote for the benefit and future of South West Hertfordshire. If you would like to contact him, then please do so via email at gagan4swherts@gmail.com.”

Gagan Mohindra – The Conservative PartyGagan Mohindra – The Conservative Party (Image: Gagan Mohindra)

Alex Sufit – Labour Party

“Alex Sufit hopes to turn SW Herts red in what would be a historic win. ‘Things are different this time,’ she says, ‘I hope SW Herts will give me the chance to forge a new path for residents and businesses.’

“Alex started her career in finance and has been an advisor for three government departments (Business, Transport and Education). She also turned her passion for film and music into a profession, becoming an award-winning video director. 

“She says ‘this broad, real-world experience’ shaped her journey into politics. ‘I’ve worked hard to build a career and my father was a self-made man, I am the product of aspiration. I want to focus on growth and bringing a sense of renewal to SW Herts.’

‘I know you feel let down, but we need to turn the page on the past 14 years and look towards a better future. That means working, together, to shape SW Herts into the best place it can possibly be to live, work and visit.

‘We need to build new homes, but they should be affordable for local people and retain a sense of community. SW Herts needs homes, not just bricks and mortar. GB Energy will create an army of green jobs. And it was Labour that launched the NHS, we will get it back on its feet.

‘Labour will deliver the change Britain needs, and I am determined to deliver it for SW Herts. Every single vote will count in this election, and whatever you may have heard – the choice is Labour or five more years of the Conservatives here.’

Alex Sufit – Labour PartyAlex Sufit – Labour Party (Image: Alex Sufit)

Sally Symington – Liberal Democrats

“Sally grew up in Hertfordshire and has lived in the area since 1997. She worked in the finance industry and is a district and county councillor. Sally has played an active part in the voluntary sector over many years including currently as a trustee of the Chiltern Conservation Board.

“As a Liberal Democrat, Sally is standing for a fair deal to give everyone the power to make the most of their potential and decide how they live their lives. A fair deal that includes decent housing, excellent education and high-quality healthcare.

“Sally’s priorities are to fix our NHS and Social Care, to cut the cost-of-living and to protect our environment – including our rivers and green spaces. As a local councillor, she has a strong track record of standing up for local people and getting things done.

"Sally says: ‘After 14 years of Conservative Government, our services have been left at breaking point and our communities worse off. People are crying out for change and we deserve so much better in South West Herts. I will work tirelessly to make our towns and villages the very best they can be. With Labour declaring South West Herts a ‘non-battleground’ seat, only the Liberal Democrats can beat the Conservatives and deliver positive change for our area.’

‘As your next MP, I will be a strong local champion, working with the Liberal Democrat-run local council, putting residents first, fighting for a fair deal for you and your community and ensuring your voice is heard in Westminster.’

Sally Symington – Liberal DemocratsSally Symington – Liberal Democrats (Image: Sally Symington)

Narinder Sian – Green Party

“My wife and I moved to Rickmansworth over 25 years ago and we raised our two children here.  We care passionately about our local environment and community.

“I have been an active member of the community for many years, supporting Rickmansworth School PTA, as a scout leader with Batchworth Sea Scouts, and volunteering with local groups.  I am a Three Rivers district councillor, a Croxley Green parish councillor, a governor of Breakspear School, and appointed as a trustee for the Moor Park Heritage Foundation.

“I am standing because people should have a choice. Everyone should have the opportunity to vote for a Green Party candidate.  People are crying out for real change that offers real hope for a better future.  Every Green vote pushes the other parties to be bolder on protecting our precious environment.

“If elected, I will speak up as a strong local voice to support our NHS, stop dumping sewage into our chalk streams, press for safe, warm homes for everyone. I will hold the government to account and push for additional investment in our communities.”

Narinder Sian – Green PartyNarinder Sian – Green Party (Image: Narinder Sian)

Michael McGetrick – Social Democratic Party

“I was born and raised in Hertfordshire, where I received my primary and secondary education. I continued my studies at London University where I obtained my doctorate in physics. My doctoral research was carried out at the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. I have worked in academia and in a range of industries providing technological solutions to various clients in the military, government and corporate world.

“I believe the main issues for voters in this election are the cost of living, housing, pressure on social services and crime. We, in the SDP, have credible solutions to address these issues.

“More social housing needs to be provided. SDP policy on housing would provide for 100,000 new social homes per annum, reducing housing costs in both the social and private sectors. SDP policy on re-industrialisation will, in the longer term, provide high-value, well-paying jobs that will significantly alleviate cost of living problems. For those who are struggling most, these initiatives will eliminate the need for food banks in the area. They will end the misery of those who have no choice but to choose between heat and food to make ends meet.   

“I will give the police my utmost support to do their job professionally, free from interference, on issues such as knife crime and anti-social behaviour. Also, support will be given to the police in tackling ‘county lines’ gang-related activity which is becoming more prevalent in the area.

“South West Hertfordshire needs an MP who understands the everyday concerns of constituents. It would be my privilege to represent you in Parliament.”

Michael McGetrick – Social Democratic PartyMichael McGetrick – Social Democratic Party (Image: Michael McGetrick)

Bernadette O’Malley – Party of Women

“I live, work, and have raised my family in South West Hertfordshire. I was given the opportunity to be a candidate in the newly formed Party of Women that has a straightforward manifesto stating that we cannot change sex and that allowing children to believe otherwise is abuse.

“I will be campaigning to protect the sex-based rights of us all and to raise awareness of the safeguarding harms that occur when men are allowed to self-identify into women’s spaces. Here in South West Hertfordshire, women in police custody can still be thoroughly searched, strip-searched, and even intimately searched by a man.

“Fairness in women's and girls' sports, at both elite and grassroots levels, is a cause I am passionate about. I share Sharon Davies' concerns and firmly believe that women and girls deserve fair competition. If elected, I would work to correct the policies, laws, and guidance that have been compromised by replacing the category sex with ‘gender identity.’ My goal is to ensure that sex is clearly understood, safeguarding is restored, and the truth can be spoken openly in straightforward conversations without fear. 

“In South West Hertfordshire, I urge you to cast your vote for the Party of Women. Your vote will serve as a powerful message to mainstream politicians: this issue is not a mere pawn in their political games. Our voices matter, our truths matter.

“Let’s demonstrate to mainstream politicians that this issue is crucial and cannot be ignored. Every vote counts, and together, we can make our voices heard. Let your vote be their conscience.”

Bernadette O’Malley – Party of WomenBernadette O’Malley – Party of Women (Image: Bernadette O’Malley)

Ketankumar Pipaliya – UK Voice – for Safer and Stronger UK

“My name is Ketankumar Pipaliya, and as the party leader of UK Voice, I am standing for Member of Parliament for the South West Hertfordshire Constituency. I've seen the challenges and opportunities our community faces.

“I graduated from London Metropolitan University with a degree in forensic science and have spent the last few years working as a community organizer, advocating for better hospitals, schools, and safer neighbourhoods. Through my work with UK Voice, I've helped bring about positive change in our area, and I want to continue this work.

“I am standing for Member of Parliament because I believe in the potential of our community. I am passionate about improving our public health system, education system, creating more job opportunities, and ensuring that our area is safe and strong for all residents.

“My vision is to create a safe and stronger UK where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed, where our streets are safe, our schools are strong, medical treatment is timely, and our local economy is booming. I am committed to equality, sustainability, transparency, innovation, accountability, justice, and involving the community in the decisions that affect us all.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to stand before you today and share my vision. I ask for your support and your vote in the upcoming general election on 4 July 2024. Together, with your voice, we can make safer and stronger our area and the UK.”

Victor Silkin – Rejoin EU

“Brexit - we need to talk about it seriously.  

“Driven by incomplete and inaccurate information, Brexit has brought prolonged injury to the UK economy and society. People of all walks of life, sometimes without realising it, became poorer financially and more restricted in choices and opportunities after separation from the EU.  

“Brexit aimed to free the UK people and the UK economy from the ‘chains’ of the single market and freedom of movement, but instead created a concentration camp.

“Conservatives and Labour by acting solely in self-preservation have already twice betrayed the interest of people during the 2015 and 2019 elections.

“Rejoin EU is the only party which targets to repair this damage by uniting all pro-EU voters irrespective of their political preferences.  Recent opinion polls suggest that 65+ per cent of the UK population regret leaving the EU (in some parts like Scotland, 80 per cent of the population see rejoining the EU as beneficial). Many of these people have lost hope and despite their desires to be part of the Union again, they talk about the 30-35 years it would take to rejoin the EU. 

“Our party objective is to bring hope to their hearts and to unite all these people in a consistent, coherent impulse to start practical negotiations with the EU about rejoining this institution which passed the test of stability repeatedly during the last 70 years.

“All serious UK issues like immigration, the economy, education, health, defence, will become less of a puzzle after joining the EU (who is awaiting us patiently). Make the right choice. Vote Rejoin EU!”

Victor Silkin – Rejoin EUVictor Silkin – Rejoin EU (Image: Victor Silkin)

Keith Steers – Reform UK

My name is Keith Steers, and I will be standing for Reform UK in your constituency, South West Hertfordshire. 

In adult life I have committed myself to the service of others in a volunteer capacity. Nine years training to be an ordained Minister in the Church of England, followed by 14 years in a Scouting capacity, the last four as a Group Scout Leader.

Then I spent 10 years with the South Central Ambulance Service as a frontline ambulance responder, answering 999 calls. including during the pandemic. I have seen the stresses and pressures we are putting on the people in this country. You know things are wrong when teenagers are attempting to take their lives and the elderly beg not to be saved. 

 As well as volunteering, I own two businesses that I have had the fortune to start and grow, one since 1991 and the other since 2014.

I am engaged to be married to the most amazing lady who has her origins in Brazil. 

I have two sons and a stepdaughter, all are now young adults, and a granddaughter. Am I scared for their future? Yes, I am. 

As your candidate. I want to represent you. I want to listen to you. Be your voice. 

For too long, politicians have forgotten how to listen to the people that elect them to office. 

This country needs some tough decisions to be made, if we are to save our NHS, address the housing shortage, help the people on the lower wage scale, help our elderly, secure our borders and grow our economy. 

The only place I can help make changes is if I am where they make the decisions. 

Politics needs common sense. It needs honesty. It needs normal people who have lived a life to represent the people in this community, this country.

My interests are both nationally and locally. As they feed into each other. I promise to serve you, to represent you to the best of my ability. 

No big promises. Just facts. I will do my best for you. And only with Reform UK can I do this, putting people first. Will you stand beside me in achieving this?

Keith Steers – Reform UKKeith Steers – Reform UK (Image: Keith Steers)