Tributes have been paid to a “dedicated” Rotarian who was a familiar face around Watford and has sadly passed away.

Family members said Allan Packham will be “greatly missed” after he died on June 19 at age 88.

He lived in and around Watford for most of his life and leaves behind his wife Wendy, two children Gary and Dawn, and six grandchildren.

His family said: “Allan will be greatly missed by all the family, he enjoyed life, work, family and he was always ready to help anyone in need and worked hard to raise money with Watford Rotary. He will be sadly missed.” 

Allan Packham has passed away at age 88.Allan Packham has passed away at age 88. (Image: Watford Rotary)

Allan was born in 1935 and grew up in Addlestone, Surrey, before he moved to Watford with his parents where he met his wife Wendy.

They married in December 1959 and lived around Kings Langley, Abbots Langley and Bovingdon, before returning to Kings Langley for the last 10 years.

They had three children, Gary, Kay and Dawn, and looked after Kay’s then five-year-old son Thomas after she passed at age 35.

Watford residents may recognise Allan as he ran the Shell petrol stations at the Dome roundabout, Lower High Street, St Albans Road and in Apsley throughout his career.

Allan Packham leaves behind his wife Wendy, two children Gary and Dawn, and six grandchildren.Allan Packham leaves behind his wife Wendy, two children Gary and Dawn, and six grandchildren. (Image: Gary Packham) The Watford Rotary Club announced the passing of its former member “with great sadness”.

Past president David Silverston said:  Allan was a dedicated Rotarian for over 40 years and was a leading member of Watford Rotary.” 

The Rotarian organised many of the club’s fundraising events, including its “race night” and Christmas sleigh donation collection which he designed and built himself as an engineer.

Allan designed and built the rotary club's Christmas sleigh for its donation run.Allan designed and built the rotary club's Christmas sleigh for its donation run.

“His efforts alone put hundreds of thousands of pounds into the kitty which was used to support local smaller charities,” David added. 

“He was recognised for his work with Rotary by being awarded the highest honour Rotary International could bestow, the Paul Harris Fellow, Allan was very proud to receive that.”

He described Allan as a man of “immense generosity and modesty”, adding: “Nothing was too much trouble for him and he never let things get the better of him.

“He will be sorely missed and our thoughts and wishes go out to his Wife Wendy and their family.”