Jobcentre staff have walked out over pay after suffering attacks and abuse at work, a union has claimed.

Security guards employed by G4S are striking in Watford and across the UK from Monday until Saturday, June 22, as the GMB claimed 90 per cent of the contractors were paid just the legal minimum.

It estimated more than 1,400 staff will take part in the series of escalating strikes, which already saw staff walk out over four separate dates in May.

GMB National Officer Eamon O’Hearn said: “Jobcentre security guards are punched, attacked and savaged in the neck by dogs – just for carrying out their duties.

“Yet 90 per cent of them struggle to get by on the minimum wage, while G4S trouser millions from the DWP.

“It’s abhorrent and these strikes will keep escalating unless G4S agrees to pay them a wage they can live on.”

Striking staff were videoed outside the jobcentre in Exchange Road today (June 20) with banners and signs which read: “We refuse to be poorer #payupG4S.”

A G4S spokesperson said: "Our dedicated security colleagues do a great job, sometimes in difficult circumstances. We urge the GMB to present our offer to our employees, which is both above minimum wage and inflation. We are keen to bring this dispute to an amicable conclusion."

DWP-approved contingency plans have also been "highly effective" in maintaining a full service, they added, and G4S will continue to adapt them to ensure safety.

A DWP spokesperson said: "DWP payments are not affected by the strike action by external G4S staff who work in our jobcentres and most sites remain open. If a site is closed, we are contacting customers if appointments need to be rescheduled or moved to alternative locations."