The Watford Community Lottery has raised more than £31,000 for charitable causes in its inaugural year.

At a Watford Town Hall event hosted by the town's mayor Peter Taylor, borough council officers thanked community organisations for their participation.

More than 50 charities and community groups have benefited from the lottery since its launch last June.

Mr Taylor, who vowed to set up the lottery in his 2022 manifesto, said: "It’s wonderful to bring so many good causes together from Watford and network in this way.

"With the thousands of pounds that our town has raised by taking part in the community lottery, we can support many more projects and charities."

(Image: Watford Borough Council)

Among the beneficiaries are Watford Swimming Club and Oxhey Village Environment Group.

The former has enhanced its training programmes, supporting more swimmers and upgrading equipment, while the latter has financed environmental projects like community gardens and conservation activities.

Mr Taylor added: "I am really pleased that we have delivered on this and to see the positive impact the lottery is already making. It’s nice to think the residents have collectively raised this money.

"This is yet another example of local people coming together to support the local community."

For more information on the Watford Community Lottery, visit