Police are investigating after a brick was thrown through a family home’s front window in Watford.

Footage seen by the Watford Observer shows someone dressed in black approach the property in The Gossamers and smash the window before running off on Friday, June 7.

The teenage victim, who lives with her mum and sisters, said it happened around 2.40pm and left them “terrified”. 

The smashed window.The smashed window. (Image: Submitted)

“The noise it made was so loud honestly it sounded like a car had come through the house or something," she added. "I went straight downstairs at first as I thought my dog had knocked stuff off the windowsill and then I saw the brick and glass everywhere and the window was smashed.”

A Herts Police spokesperson said enquiries are ongoing to trace the suspect and urged anyone with information to report it.

Damage caused inside the family home.Damage caused inside the family home. (Image: Submitted)

The victim continued: “It was absolutely terrifying. I was shaking and shouting to my mum ‘we’ve been bricked’, my mum was terrified. Now it’s scary to just sit in the living room, we’re constantly worried it’s going to happen again.”

Her sister was reduced to tears and their puppy was downstairs at the time, she added.

Information can be reported via the police website or non-emergency number 101 quoting reference 41/45696/24.

The brick was thrown through the home's front window.The brick was thrown through the home's front window. (Image: Submitted)