Children have been warned to "travel in pairs" after a school was warned over a series of robberies police are investigating.

Croxley Danes School sent a message to parents with safety advice yesterday (June 12) amid fear over dangers around Watford Underground Station and Cassiobury Park.

Herts Police had apparently warned Watford schools about the situation, while assuring them that there is now a “significant police presence” in the areas.

In a statement today, Croxley Danes School said: "As part of our duty of care we work with local authorities and other schools to share information related to the safety of our students and school community.

"On this occasion our designated safeguarding lead was advised of the situation by his equivalent colleague at a local school following an update from Hertfordshire Police."

The email, seen by the Watford Observer, claimed Herts Police had warned of "28 incidents in the area in the last 24 hours", including "robberies and violent assaults".  However, Herts Police have confirmed the figures are inaccurate and “categorically did not come from the police".

View the full police comment here: Police investigating 'masked robbers' in Cassiobury area

The safeguarding lead added: “I would be grateful if you could discuss the journey your child takes to and from school, and how they can keep safe when out and about at other times such as evenings and weekends.

Police appear to search teens in Metropolitan Station approach at around 4pm yesterday.Police appear to search young people in Metropolitan Station approach at around 4pm yesterday. (Source: Wat News) (Image: Contribution)

“Please remind your child not to engage in conversations with strangers and to be alert at all times.

“Where possible, students are encouraged to travel in pairs and should call 999 if they are approached by a stranger or feel threatened at any time.”

Families were assured that the message will be reinforced to students when in school.

The Watford Observer has separately received images of young people being stopped and searched in Metropolitan Station Approach, by Watford Underground Station. It is unclear whether this was related to the other reports.

West Watford councillor Nigel Bell said he had been contacted by families concerned over the “very worrying” figures.

Police appear to search young people in Metropolitan Station approach at around 4pm yesterday. (Source: Wat News) (Image: Contribution)

“They need to know more details of the nature of these crimes and whether it's individuals or groups, etcetera.

“Families feel they need more assurance from the police that they are getting on top of this outbreak of crime.”