A garage and shed will be demolished as three-bedroom homes are set to be built in a gap between properties.

The space between 22 and 26 Windsor Road, North Watford, is currently occupied by a shed and single garage for number 22 which is “impractical for modern cars”, according to planning documents.

In March, a developer requested permission to knock them down and build two semi-detached family homes in their place.

The planning application was approved by Watford Borough Council yesterday (June 11) despite two objections, including from the residents of one of the homes that would be next-door.

The neighbours claimed the building would be “oversized” and an “eyesore” which would block light. There were also concerns over the impact on nearby parking.

Concluding their appraisal, council officers said: “The proposed houses are considered to be appropriate in their scale and design and will sit comfortably within the street scene.

“The proposed materials will reflect the existing materials seen on the surrounding houses.

“As such, the proposal is considered to respond to local distinctiveness and contribute positively to the character and appearance of the area.”

Similar proposals, for apartments on the same site, were rejected twice in 2023 because the council felt they would clash with the surroundings due to their size and design.