Planning appeals have been launched for two refused HMO expansions in Watford.

The first application, for 26 Woodford Road, proposed increasing the house in multiple occupation from six to seven bedrooms.

An appeal has been made after Watford Borough Council rejected the plans last December, citing concerns about the "quality of accommodation".

"The conversion of the existing property which has an original, unextended, floor area of 99sqm into a large scale House in Multiple Occupation, where suitable refuse arrangements and a suitable quality of accommodation have also not been demonstrated," the decision reads.

A similar application to extend the HMO at 18 Westland Road from six to seven bedrooms was also rejected by the council in March.

An appeal has been launched after the decision stated: "The conversion of the existing property, which appears to have an original, unextended, floor area of under 150sqm, into a large scale House in Multiple Occupation, where suitable refuse arrangements or a suitable quality of accommodation in terms of room sizes, private amenity and privacy have not been demonstrated."

For both applications, Watford Borough Council added: "For the reasons set out in this decision notice, the proposal is not considered to achieve an acceptable and sustainable development.

"The council would nevertheless encourage discussion of alternative proposals to overcome the reasons for refusal by making use of the pre-application advice service."