A pet rescue centre in Watford is urgently seeking a foster carer for a dog who wants to become the “bestest friend you could ever have”.

Ten-year-old Belle came to the National Animal Welfare Trust in January after her owner died.

Belle found it hard to adjust to kennel life, so she’s been staying in foster care, which did wonders for her confidence and has helped her trust again.

Unfortunately, Belle’s shyness sometimes makes it hard for her to make an instant connection with people so she’s still waiting for someone to adopt her.

Her foster carer is moving and the trust desperately need to find Belle a new foster home while she waits for her forever home, as putting her back in a kennel now would undo all the progress she’s made.

(Image: NAWT)

Belle says: “Once you’ve taken the time to bond with me, you’ll soon see I am the bestest friend you could ever have. I love spending time with people, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing - as long as we’re together, I’ll be happy.

“Want to sit in the garden? I’ll keep an eye on the bugs for you. Reading a book? I’ll prop the pages up with my nose. Having a cup of tea with a biscuit? Don’t worry, I’ll hoover up the crumbs. And if you ever want an extra ten minutes in bed, I’ll happily curl up on top of you to give you an excuse to stay!

“All I want in return is someone who’ll love me back and won’t mind when I decide to decorate the hallway with stuffing I have expertly picked out of toys!

“I’m looking for a quiet home with teenagers or adults only where I’m the only pet. I don’t mind seeing younger children for occasional visits, but I’d find it too noisy living with them all the time.

“Although I’m a senior, I love doing zoomies and running around outside, so there needs to be a lot of space for me to get my laps in.

“If you can’t give me a permanent home, please consider fostering me for a short time - it would mean the world to me.”

If you can help Belle, email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 (option 2).