A memorial bench honouring community champion Dan Holden was revealed in Goodwood Recreational Ground.

The unveiling on Sunday was attended by residents and Mr Holden's family, reinforcing the unity of the community at the heart-warming event.

Mr Holden, who passed away on May 8, 2023, was the former chairman of the Courtlands Residents Association and was praised for his continual commitment to Watford and its people.

After being named as Watford Community Champion in 2011, Mr Holden, from Courtlands Drive, said at the time: "I'm very proactive and put myself out to others and I enjoy the work, but I appreciate the support I get too."

Councillor Asif Khan said: "His contributions and tireless efforts to improve the lives of those around him have left an enduring mark in the area and wider town."

The commemorative bench, situated in the heart of Goodwood Park, was funded by grants from local councillors, the Residents Association, and Mr Holden's family.

It stands as a permanent tribute to Mr Holden's substantial influence on many lives and his enduring legacy to the community of Watford.

The ceremony served as a touching reminder of community strength and the unity within Watford, a principle Dan lived by and that lives on after him.