More than 170 residents have backed calls for a pedestrian crossing in Rickmansworth to be made safer.

According to the petition, the crossing at the junction of Church Street and London Road has “proven unsafe” for pedestrians due to the traffic speed.

Insufficient lighting makes it equally difficult for drivers during the night time and early mornings, it adds.

Started by local resident Allyssa Gregory, the petition calls on the county council to improve the safety with several measures. That could include improved visibility and a review of the street lighting and road markings.

Reworking of the railings to improve visibility,  the installation of speed cameras or making the existing zebra crossing a pelican crossing are also suggested.

Making the case in the petition, Allyssa says that the the petition comes from “a place of deep concern for the safety of my family, neighbours, and all who use our local crossing”.

“We need action now before we count more accidents or worse yet – fatalities,” she added.

The petition – which started on May 3 and will run until June 27 – already has 175 signatures and is on Hertfordshire County Council's website

A HCC spokesperson said as with all petitions it will be directed to officers for further action if it gets enough signatures from Herts residents, before potentially being considered by an appropriate council panel.