The four-year-old boy who was hit by a car in Watford spent hours in surgery for a serious head injury.

He was rushed to hospital in London alongside a six-year-old girl after the pair were involved in a collision with a silver Toyota Yaris in Hemming Way on Saturday (June 1).

The boy suffered two large cuts and a major head fracture, before surgeons attached five metal plates and 13 screws during four hours of surgery, his mother told the Watford Observer.

Although he is likely to remain in hospital until next Monday (June 10), his family have been told he will make a full recovery and his mother said he is “getting back to his normal self”.

Surgeons also operated on the girl for over an hour on Monday as the incident had left with a fractured collarbone, broken rib and partially-collapsed lung, her mother said.

The collision broke her jaw and tore the gums inside, leading doctors to warn her family that it could affect the development of her teeth as she grows up.

“She’s doing well but in a lot of pain,” her mother said. “They’re life-changing injuries and it’s going to affect her when she’s older.”

The two children had met for the first time that day, but were playing together on their bikes on a pathway off the road when it happened, the mother has claimed.

“Just to hear the screams,” she added. “It was a heart breaking moment.”

Herts Police said the driver of the Toyota Yaris remained at the scene to help officers’ enquiries after the crash and there have been no arrests so far.

The “awful” incident drew messages of support from the Watford community as one resident called it “bloody shocking” and another sent their wishes to the “poor little ones”.

Another resident labelled it “heartbreaking” news, adding: “Sending my love to the family involved, keep strong.”

The investigation is ongoing and police have appealed for any witnesses or residents with doorbell footage to come forward.

Information can be reported via the force's website or by emailing, quoting reference Op Skendall.