Hello! My name’s Kush and I’m a nine-month-old German Shepherd cross who’s looking for a new home. I came into the National Animal Welfare Trust via another organisation, so all the NAWT knows about me is that I used to live on the streets with my previous owner.

I’m a very friendly and energetic girl who needs lots of space to run and play. I’ll need a home with a large garden that I can use to burn off my energy in between going for walks. I can be a bit jumpy when I’m being harnessed up but that’s because I’m a little worried by my harness and so excited to go out. I’m working on getting used to my harness and being calm before going for a walk.

Watford Observer: Kush

I can live with older children who could help with my training and wouldn't be knocked over by me if I jumped up. I’d like to be the only pet in the home as I’m very frightened of cats and although I sometimes like to say hello to other dogs on a walk, I wouldn’t be happy sharing my home with them.

Watford Observer: Kush

I really dislike being left on my own, so having a family that’s experienced in living with a dog with separation anxiety is important. I’ll need someone with me all of the time to begin with, so they can slowly train me to cope with being on my own using slow and kind methods. I’ll also need training in keeping four paws on the floor and polite greeting.

If you’re looking for a bundle of fun like me, then apply for me today! Email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 (option 2) so we can meet.