Chaos broke out in the centre of Watford as partygoers brawled outside a bar.

Herts Police were called to help break up the fight in the Slug & Lettuce's outdoor area in the early hours of Saturday morning (May 18).

A video from the scene shows security and customers being punched, people being thrown around, clothes being ripped off, and people falling over and through the barriers.

Watford Observer: Still from the video of the brawl outside Slug &Lettuce.Still from the video of the brawl outside Slug &Lettuce. (Image: Dee Double/Facebook)One man was dragged away by his legs while another was thrown down onto the concrete face-first. Glasses could also be heard being smashed.

It is unclear what the initial cause was.Watford Observer: Still from the video of the brawl.Still from the video of the brawl. (Image: Dee Double/Facebook)

Watford Observer: Stills from the brawl outside Slug & Lettuce.Stills from the brawl outside Slug & Lettuce. (Image: Dee Double/Facebook)

Police received a report of violence at around 12.35am, which was said to involve around 10 people.

Once officers arrived in The Parade, they assisted door staff in de-escalating the situation.

No arrests were made.

Stonegate Group, which owns Slug and Lettuce, has been contacted for comment.

Watford Observer: Still from the video of the brawl.Still from the video of the brawl. (Image: Dee Double/Facebook)

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