Two Howdens stores have come together to donate a kitchen to a drug misuse charity.

The Watford and North Watford branches have united to provide the kitchen for Druglink, a charity offering support and rehabilitation for those fighting substance misuse.

It will significantly aid Druglink's staff, offering a comfortable, relaxing haven from their challenging work environment.

The upgraded kitchen will provide a boost amid the pressure and demands of their roles, helping them to support those in need with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

James Clements, depot manager at Howdens, said: "This was an easy decision to make to want to help Druglink, having known individuals who have needed help and support and not been able to get it or have somewhere safe to go.

"After looking at the work the Druglink team do to support individuals in need, being able to supply the materials to give them a space all can enjoy and feel at home was a pleasure.

"We are delighted that we were able to help".

Watford Observer:

Emphasising the significance of the donation, Emma Kingham, director of communications and development at Druglink, offered her thanks.

She said: “We are profoundly grateful for this transformative donation.

"With these new kitchen facilities, we can amplify our impact, ensuring that not only our clients but our staff receive the care and support they deserve.

"This donation is a testament to the power of community and compassion and we are honoured to have Howdens standing alongside us in our mission."