Trees have been planted to stop parents driving onto a grass verge and endangering kids during pick-up.

Shocking parking on verges near Queens' School and the Met Sports Club, in Aldenham Road, Bushey, has been a safety worry for years, according to a local councillor, as it left children dodging cars at busy times.

Bollards stopped motorists driving down the foot and cycle path to get onto the grass, but many still went around. Double-height curbs were installed and, although they helped, some parents still got past them.

Watford Observer: Liberal Democrat councillor Laurence Brass with the new trees.Liberal Democrat councillor Laurence Brass with the new trees. (Image: Councillor Laurence Brass)

Bushey North county councillor Laurence Brass, who has funded measures from his locality budget, said he hopes trees planted on Monday (January 29) will be “the last piece of the jigsaw to prevent reckless drivers parking on the verge”.

He added: “I think, from the first four days, it looks like it's done the trick. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.”

With the raised kerbs and strategically placed bollards already introduced, he said he has “nothing left in my locker now” so hopefully the trees will solve the problem.

Watford Observer: Parking on the verge before the measures were introduced.Parking on the verge before the measures were introduced. (Image: Bushey Lib Dems)

At least one child has been knocked down, although they were not seriously injured, and there have been “many” near misses, according to the councillor.

As well as school drop-off and pick-up, there have also been problems on weekends when sports clubs visit the Metropolitan Bushey site nearby.