Updated plans to redevelop a former Watford bank and build flats have been recommended for approval.

This time next week (February 6) Watford Borough Council’s development management committee will discuss a planning application to tweak a previously approved proposal.

Permission to turn the old Lloyds Bank in St Albans Road into 14 flats and retail units was granted in early 2019, after appeal, before the site was sold to a developer in 2022.

Despite already having the go-ahead to build 12 one-bedroom and two two-bedroom apartments, key changes were sought ahead of work getting underway which include using brick instead of metal cladding after recent building regulation changes relating to fire risks.

Watford Observer: Left, the latest CGI showing brick instead of metal cladding. Right: a CGI of the plans already approved.Left, the latest CGI showing brick instead of metal cladding. Right: a CGI of the plans already approved. (Image: Sixfootstuido/ Fairfield Estates)

The developer also wants to reduce the window width to the angled corners on the second and third floors, and nominally increase the building height by 480mm.

As with the original plan, which was approved on appeal, the extension will be built on top of the existing bank façade.

Watford Observer: Another CGI of how the scheme could look.Another CGI of how the scheme could look. (Image: Sixfootstudio)

Ahead of next week’s meeting, councillors have been provided with a council officer’s report recommending that planning permission should be granted, subject to conditions.

Although officers make a recommendation based on planning policy, the final decision is made by the councillors at the meeting.

Watford Observer: Another angle of the potential flats scheme. Another angle of the potential flats scheme. (Image: Sixfootstudios)