Anchor Homes has agreed to hold talks to guarantee Kytes Drive lettings will prioritise older residents, veterans and the disabled.

The housing provider’s chief executive Sarah Jones has met with Watford MP Dean Russell, and both agreed to advocate for an agreement with Watford Borough Council over nomination rights for its long-term future use.

The lettings agreement would be legally binding if finalised with the council and would prioritise future lettings on a redeveloped Kytes Drive estate for disabled and veteran housing needs. This would be linked to any planning approval.

The Conservative MP said: “With regards to the protections for the site, I am pleased that Anchor has been receptive to the concerns raised by myself on behalf of residents, and today's meeting solidified their commitment to working collaboratively with the council to incorporate a legally binding agreement.

“This would ensure that the Kytes Estate regeneration project will provide purpose-built and well-maintained accommodation for people over the age of 55, those with disabilities, veterans and their families.”

He added that he appreciates “this isn’t everything Kytes Drive residents want in the short-term” but said it is “a significant and important long-term win for our community”.

Watford Observer: Anchor chief executive Sarah Jones and Watford MP Dean Russell meet in Kytes Drive.Anchor chief executive Sarah Jones and Watford MP Dean Russell meet in Kytes Drive. (Image: Dean Russell)

The care home provider submitted plans to demolish the site's existing 56 bungalows and build 146 homes to Watford Borough Council in November.

However, the proposals met with fierce local opposition, including a petition taken to parliament by Dean Russell.

Kytes Estate was built in 1948 for war veterans. Nowadays, the majority of the residents are no longer veterans but many are elderly and have disabilities.

Concerns have been raised over vulnerable people being forced to temporarily move and fears the new homes would be unsuitable.

Watford Observer: Kytes Drive proposal CGI.Kytes Drive proposal CGI. (Image: PRP / Watford Borough Council)

Ms Jones said she was very pleased to meet with Mr Russell and assure him the provider is pursuing a “sensitive” local authority lettings agreement to be baked into planning approval.

The chief executive added: “As England’s largest not for profit provider of specialist housing and care for people in later life, our proposal to regenerate the Kytes Drive estate is driven by a need to create more and better social housing for the local community.

“The regeneration will create more better quality, energy efficient homes for current and future residents fit-for-purpose.”

Watford Observer: Existing bungalows at Kytes Drive, Watford.Existing bungalows at Kytes Drive, Watford. (Image: PRP / Watford Borough Council)