Permission has been granted to change the use of a former fire station that dates to 1909.

Bushey Fire Station in Rudolph Road will now be used as a commercial business – Class E, after Hertsmere Borough Council approved the plans on October 3. 

The look and character of the building will not change, according to the planning application.

Machinery parts manufacturer ASNU will use the premises to expand its existing business. ASNU is in Glencoe Road, which is parallel to Rudolph Road.

The planning application received nine objections without any further comments, one neutral stance, and no offers of support.

Permission has been granted on several conditions, including that noise from the “plant and equipment associated with the development shall be 10dB (LAeq) below the background noise level (LA90) at the nearest residential properties”.

In addition, the council has said that outside the hours of 8am to 6pm, or any time on Sundays, bank or public holidays, machinery is not allowed to be operated, no process shall be carried out and no deliveries are allowed to be taken or dispatched from the site.

On Saturdays, this rule applies to the hours outside 8am to 1pm.

The part-time fire station, which is next to the Bushey Museum, closed on March 31, 2014, despite strong opposition from local residents.