A mother pushes a buggy while a child walks alongside her past a row of boarded up shops on a sunny winter’s morning towards the end of the 1980s.

A stranger visiting Watford at this time could have been forgiven for thinking this part of town had fallen on hard times, but a clue as to what was really happening can be seen on some of the improvised shop signs.

“LUI moved to 46 Market St” states one, while on the other side of Pickfords Travel, another business also advertises that it has relocated to Market Street.

These pictures were taken by a Watford Observer photographer on January 7, 1988 when demolition work on the Mars One site was underway.

Watford Observer: The YMCA is in the background beyond the piles of rubbleThe YMCA is in the background beyond the piles of rubble (Image: Watford Observer)

Mars One was the original name given to the project to build what would become the Harlequin Centre.

On Friday, we published some pictures from our archive showing some of the business and homes that were due to be demolished to allow construction of the centre to begin.

You can see those images via this link.

Watford Observer: This 'highly successful company' was on the moveThis 'highly successful company' was on the move (Image: Watford Observer)

Fast forward almost two years and as these images show, the bulldozers would soon reduce those buildings to rubble if they had not done so already.

Watford Observer: These former shops would soon be flattened to make way for the shopping centreThese former shops would soon be flattened to make way for the shopping centre (Image: Watford Observer)

Watford Observer: This tree had so far survived being cut down This tree had so far survived being cut down (Image: Watford Observer)

Watford Observer: A handful of people were in the road when our photographer visitedA handful of people were in the road when our photographer visited (Image: Watford Observer)

Watford Observer: The Mars One site clearance was well under wayThe Mars One site clearance was well under way (Image: Watford Observer)

Watford Observer: Do you remember these businesses?Do you remember these businesses? (Image: Watford Observer)

Watford Observer: An excavator is at workAn excavator is at work (Image: Watford Observer)

Watford Observer: A Suzuki jeep is parked outside this part of the building siteA Suzuki jeep is parked outside this part of the building site (Image: Watford Observer)