Eighteen parking spaces have been created in two roads as part of a council plan to meet demand.

Three Rivers District Council has made two new areas of off-street hardened grass verges in Ballater Close and Birstall Green in South Oxhey.

Doing this on council-owned land creates parking opportunities and protects verges by retaining as much grass as possible, the local authority said.

'Grasscrete’ concrete is put on the surface to shield the ground from parked vehicles, while also letting water drain directly into the ground.

Councillor Paul Rainbow, lead member for transport, said: “As a council, we are committed to making our district the best it can be, a great place to live, work and visit.

"These new parking bays will now ease parking pressures in the two areas, while also visually enhancing the street scene and improve cycle and pedestrian access." 

He added: “Grass verges are usually damaged by people parking their vehicles on top, which churns the ground up.

"I am delighted the council has protected our precious greenery while meeting parking demand for our residents.”

Despite the recent announcement, councillor Stephen Cox, Labour Group Leader, said the parking spaces had been in use since March following pressure from Labour.

He said: "Residents are fully aware these bays have been in use since March and then only because South Oxhey's Labour councillors have held on site meetings and consistently battled away pressing the council to get them done for well over a year."