It has been described as “a momentous victory” after an appeal to build 310 homes on green belt has been dismissed and planning permission refused.

Redrow Homes Limited, the developer, launched the appeal with central government after the plan to build on land at Harts Farm in Little Bushey Lane, Bushey, was initially refused by Hertsmere Borough Council.

Andy Williams whose house backs onto the field said he is “over the moon” with the decision that was revealed today (July 19).

Watford Observer: Harts Farm in Bushey. Credit: Google EarthHarts Farm in Bushey. Credit: Google Earth (Image: Google Earth)

The 56-year-old company director is part of the group Little Bushey Community who has opposed the planning application since 2018.

He said: “If it had been built it would have been an abomination, I don’t mean the look but the impact on the residents, the traffic, the flooding. It would have been horrific.”

The planning application received 3,346 objections and only one supporting the build.  

Mr Williams said: “This is an example of David and Goliath, you should always fight to the very end.

“We delivered thousands of leaflets across Bushey, knocked on doors and held public meetings, we fought hard against the feeling that it is a done deal.”

Watford Observer: Little Bushey Community have campaigned against the plan since 2018Little Bushey Community have campaigned against the plan since 2018 (Image: Little Bushey Community)

The plan also included land reserved for a primary school, community facilities and mobility hub, along with car parking, drainage, open space and all ancillary and enabling works.

But it was refused on a number of grounds in a document seen by the Watford Observer including an increased volume of traffic, a reduction in visual openness, flood risk and conflict with two of the five green belt purposes – despite these being described as “very limited and modest”.

Maxie Allen, Liberal Democrat councillor for Bushey Park said: “This is a momentous victory for the thousands of Bushey residents who campaigned so tirelessly to stop this monstrous development, which would have destroyed a huge swathe of environmentally sensitive greenbelt.

“It is conceivably possible that Redrow could apply again in future with a smaller plan, but if so, we will fight them tooth and nail.

“For now, we should celebrate a landmark ruling which sends out a resounding message: hands off our greenbelt.”

Matt Parry, planning director for Redrow South Midlands, said: “We’re naturally disappointed with the appeal decision and not to be bringing new homes to Bushey at this time.

"We will review our plans in line with the feedback, and will consider other options for the future.”