Two arrests were made after reports of a spate of thefts using a devious “distraction theft” scheme.

Herts Police made two arrests in Rickmansworth, on June 30, after Three Rivers Police concentrated their resources in the High Street to crack down on thieves.

The plain-clothes operation, planned by PC Charlotte Bartlett, led PCSO Alan Waller to spot several people acting suspiciously.

"Suspecting they were not innocently doing their weekly shop", he and a colleague followed them into a coffee shop and detained two people. The officers then searched a vehicle parked nearby, leading to the discovery of suspected stolen items.

A man in his 50s and a woman in her 30s were then arrested in Northway, behind the High Street, and taken into custody. Neither have been charged

Herts Police warned people not to fall victim to the same scam and explained how it works.

Thieves apparently find people who have left their mobile phone on a table in public and start to chat with them.

They use a piece of paper, often a map or something similar, and distract the victim by asking questions while secretly stealing the phone then walking away.

The force encouraged people to put valuables away in a zipped bag when not in use and to be alert.