Images have been released after Rolex and Cartier watches, jewellery, and designer handbags were taken in a burglary.

Several items were stolen during the break-in in Mill Way, Bushey, sometime between April 20 and April 21.

Hertfordshire Constabulary has released the images of some of the items in a bid to trace them and asked the public to keep an eye out, “in the hopes that people may recognise them”.

Watford Observer: Image of a ring shared by policeImage of a ring shared by police (Image: Hertfordshire Constabulary)

Watford Observer: Watch image shared by policeWatch image shared by police (Image: Hertfordshire Constabulary)

Detective Constable Gemma Haines added: “Have you come across them in unusual circumstances or seen them advertised for sale?

“Did you witness any suspicious activity in the Mill Way area between the times stated?

"Any information at all could greatly assist our enquiries.”

The investigation is continuing at this time.

Information can be reported by email to, online, or by calling 101 quoting crime reference 41/32129/23.

Two of the images show designer watches that were taken and the third shows a ring.

Watford Observer: Watch images released by policeWatch images released by police (Image: Hertfordshire Constabulary)