Watford Junction will be see "essential" improvements after a footpath has been earmarked for resurfacing.

The path, between the subway entrance where the taxis park and St Albans Road, is set to be resurfaced and refurbished, including repainting the hoarding and applying anti-graffiti coating.

The area part-way down the footpath, where blue badge bays are, will also be improved and repainted.

The old timber upright posts in the existing footpath will be removed.

The work is phase one of an improvement project, to be followed by improvements to the stairs leading down to the path, lighting improvements, and more resurfacing.

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The second phase has been proposed for later this year.

Watford Borough Council has warned that the works may disrupt commuters walking to and from the station, it advised people to follow any signs and directions provided by the construction team.

Councillor Ian Stotesbury, who is responsible for transport, said: “It is essential that we improve pedestrian safety and accessibility, and this project will make a significant difference to the local community.”