A planning application has gone in to knock down a former homeless hostel and build flats.

The site at 41 Aldenham Road, near Bushey train station, would be demolished and replaced with six homes if a plan received by Watford Borough Council yesterday (February 10) is approved.

The proposal includes three two-bedroom flats and three one-bedroom flats in a part two-storey part three-storey building, as well as associated landscaping.

The site is currently vacant and was last used as a hostel for homeless people.

According to a design and access statement submitted by the architects of the proposed flats, “the existing building lacks any design merit and appears to be in poor condition”.

There is a “generous” area of vacant land around the current building, some of which would be used for the new flats.

One of the opportunities of the development listed in the statement is that it could align the building with the house next door.

The flats would be a car-free scheme.