Watford’s MP has defended Liz Truss’s policies and said she has his “full support” following calls for him to clarify if he backed her.

The Prime Minister has been heavily criticised after her mini-budget decimated the pound, caused an interest rates spike and saw Labour gain a 33-point lead in the polls.

But having previously not responded, Dean Russell has now voiced support for Mrs Truss and said he was pleased to have initially backed her campaign.

He pointed to “historic levels” of support for businesses and households and said 30 million people will benefit from the tax cuts.


“The growth plan that the Chancellor announced was designed to tackle high energy costs and inflation, whilst delivering higher productivity and wages,” Mr Russell said.

“As the Chancellor said 'this will not happen overnight but the tax cuts and reforms…. send a clear signal that growth is our priority'.

“Difficult times require difficult, and perhaps controversial, decisions to be made.”

He added: “The PM has my full support in delivering this positive agenda.

“I am confident she will deliver on her vision of growth which will help individuals, families and businesses across the UK.”

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