A charitable and generous group fulfilled the “last wish” of fashion designer and former footballer Marvin Morgan.

Morgan, who died in early December, has a history of helping out young people and the community.

Part of this is through his work with Fresh Ego FC, a football club launched by Morgan that involves a team which engages with local schools and youth football teams to inspire young people and also raise money for charities.

Last year Fresh Ego FC teamed up with Xtra Time Sports & Childcare and other notable community figures – including George Akhtar, Winston Davis and Ben Alexander - to raise £2,000 worth of foods and toys for 35 families.

Shortly before his death, Morgan created a video – dubbed his figuratively “last wish” - encouraging everyone in the community to donate various goods this year.

It resulted in £6,000 being raised, providing essential foods and items, cleaning products and a range of gifts to brighten up Christmas for nearly 90 struggling households.

Nearly 90 families were fed and given Christmas gifts

Nearly 90 families were fed and given Christmas gifts

Mr Davis, who was part of the campaign, said: “I can’t over emphasise what a difference these deliveries have made to the lives of the people who received them.

“Some would have had to use food banks if they hadn’t received their delivery. Others, are working families, who have really been hit this year – sometimes having to choose to feed their children and going without themselves.

“This meant that they’ve all been able to eat this year as well as open gifts.”

He added that many people “cried tears” when saying thank you to the drivers.

Nearly 90 families were fed and given Christmas gifts

Nearly 90 families were fed and given Christmas gifts

Companies such as Puma, Xbox, Wenzels, Fresh Ego Kid and Unique Sports Management donated many goods to supply the food, essential items and general Christmas gifts for the families.

There were 40 volunteers involved in the planning, wrapping, packing and delivery – aiding to fulfil Morgan’s “last wish”.

Speaking about Morgan’s death, Mr Davis said: “This year has been so much more challenging, not just because of more families, but because of the sad passing of Marvin.

“We wanted to make it a success even more so because of that. His energy, drive and commitment was infectious. If he was doing something, it had to be done properly, including this.

“He was all about the community and giving back. His partner and mother both came down to the centre while we were packing and we just hope that we did him proud.”