A Watford church will welcome a new vicar into their parish community who hopes to offer "a hand of friendship."

Reverend Tony Rindl will take on the role as the vicar of St Mary’s Church in Church Street on Tuesday.

He has moved to Watford after serving as Team Rector and Area Dean at a parish in Colne, Lancashire, since 2003 with his wife, Anne and their three chickens and three cats.

Rev Rindl, 48, said:"I am really looking forward to taking up my new role here in Watford.

"Watford seems like a vibrant community and I hope to serve the community well. I hope I can offer a hand of friendship through Christ in all that I do.

"I am privileged to be part of the history of a church that has stood here for 900 years."

Rev Rindl will be welcomed into the church at an Institution and Induction service on Tuesday, February 12, at 7pm, which will be held by the Bishop of St Albans.

His friends from Colne and Birmingham, from where he originates, will also join him at the Induction.