Staff and pupils from Laurance Haines primary and nursery school in Watford were celebrating last week, as they marked the school’s 40th anniversary.

On Thursday, November 8, current and former pupils and staff gathered at the school in Vicarage Road.

Among them was the first headteacher of the school, Howard Handley.

Sharon Carlyon, business manager at the school, said: "It was a real trip down memory lane, a lot of the past staff and students remarked how much the school has changed, from the buildings to the grounds to the uniforms.

"The school hall was transformed into a museum, which was a great opportunity for our guests to look at old pictures.

"We dedicated an entire week to marking the school’s 40th anniversary. Children had a mufti day, ate 70s inspired lunches, and our Year 2 pupils performed a 70s disco dance.

"We dug up a time capsule buried in 1993 and our pupils were able to look at old school registers and projects.

"We’re now in the process of putting together our own time capsule, which will be dug up when the school celebrates its 50th anniversary.

"Everyone had a really great week, we really got into the spirit of the 70s and it was a fitting way to mark the school’s 40th."