An appeal has resurrected plans to build a three-storey block of flats in a pub car park.

Three Rivers District Council refused to grant permission for the outbuilding at the back of The Western, in High Street, Rickmansworth, to be demolished and replaced with three homes in June.

It said that the structure would be an “obtrusive, prominent, and incongruous” form of development that would clash with its surroundings, would not contribute to affordable housing provision, and put pressure on parking in the area.

CPC Planning Consultants submitted a statement of case to the planning inspectorate last week, which seeks to overturn the decision.

The appeal bid argues that any harm to the area is “low” and would be outweighed by the public benefits of providing housing. It also says that it would agree to contribute to affordable housing offsite and restrict future residents applying for parking permits.

Under the plan, submitted on February 21, the building would have one one-bedroom apartment on each floor, containing a kitchen/living room, bedroom, balcony, and a bathroom.

The pub car park seen from Wensum Way. (Image: Google Street View) Batchworth Community Council and Rickmansworth & District Residents' Association objected to the plan, describing it as “out of keeping” with its surroundings.

If the development is approved, the pub can continue to operate as normal.

It would be provided with a replacement storage area and retain five parking spaces.